What is this blog made for?

Published on 19 December 2024 at 21:20

A blog, to the girls, for the girls, by the girls. 

These are life lessons, biblical lesson, conversations and thoughts that I have learnt, am learning, things I have said to God and conversations I have had that have brought me encouragement, and provoked thought. I hope they do the same for you. I am learning, just as you are. The only one with all the answers is Jesus and can be found only in the Word and I hope that anything you read here you can go back to the Word of God and challenge it. I hope I can help and encourage a desire within you for the Word and help the Holy Spirit create a hunger for more. 

I am a woman of many thoughts, thoughts with no place to go. Hence why I have started this blog. Even if it finds no one and comes to nothing, it is a place for me to write and express myself creatively, something I stopped a long time ago. One thing I know is I have been made by a creative God and creativity is something He asks of me. He has given me a love for writing from a young age; whether it be journaling, song writing, short stories.. you name it. I am in no way qualified or eloquently spoken, but I have a passion for the Lord, for the life He calls for us to live and especially for young girls, women, mothers and wanting them to walk in the identity God has given them. In Genesis 1:27 it says “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them”,  something I think we can easily glaze over. This is something I will most likely post about in much more detail. 

My hope for this space is to create a community for likeminded women to come and find encouragement, to find friendship, to find hope. Taking this step of faith is nerve wrecking and if I’m honest it makes me feel a little silly, but even if I am only speaking to myself; then I am encouraging one and most importantly I am being obedient to what I feel God is asking of me. 

I hope when you stumble along SonnyDays you will leave here feeling even a little more hopeful than when you came. 

Be blessed. Be a blessing. 

Love Sonny xx

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